Hong Kong and China announce plans to gradually reopen their borders

HONG KONG, June 24 – Hong Kong and China announced plans to gradually reopen their borders, starting with a daily quota of 1,000 people being allowed to travel each way by land..

The announcement came during a joint press conference in Hong Kong led by Chief Executive Carrie Lam and Chinese officials including Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office..

The first phase of the plan will see a daily quota of 1,000 people allowed to travel from Hong Kong to mainland China, and the same number of people from mainland China to Hong Kong, starting from July 6. All travelers will need to have a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours of their travel..

In the second phase, the quota will be increased to 2,000 people per day in each direction. The date for the second phase has not yet been announced..

The announcement comes as Hong Kong grapples with a fifth wave of COVID-19 infections, which has seen over 1,000 cases reported per day in recent weeks. However, the government has been eager to reopen the border with China, which is Hong Kong’s largest trading partner..

The Chinese government has also been keen to reopen the border, as it sees Hong Kong as a key gateway to the rest of the world..

The gradual reopening of the border is a significant development for Hong Kong, as it will allow businesses and families to reconnect after more than two years of separation. However, it is important to note that the border will not be fully reopened until the COVID-19 pandemic is under control in both Hong Kong and China..

Here is a summary of the key points from the joint press conference:.

* The border between Hong Kong and China will gradually reopen in two phases..

* In the first phase, a daily quota of 1,000 people will be allowed to travel in each direction..

* The second phase will see the quota increased to 2,000 people per day in each direction..

* All travelers will need to have a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours of their travel..

* The date for the second phase has not yet been announced..

* The gradual reopening of the border is a significant development for Hong Kong, as it will allow businesses and families to reconnect after more than two years of separation..

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