Dog owners are walking pets less due to coronavirus lockdown

With everyone staying inside and practicing social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic, dog owners are walking their pets less often..

A recent survey by the American Kennel Club found that 62% of dog owners are walking their pets less than they did before the pandemic. The survey also found that 38% of dog owners are not walking their pets at all..

There are a few reasons why dog owners are walking their pets less. First, many people are working from home and don’t have time to take their dogs for walks during the day. Second, many people are afraid to go outside due to the virus. Third, many parks and dog parks are closed due to the pandemic..

The lack of exercise can be harmful to dogs. Dogs need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. Exercise helps to keep dogs at a healthy weight, reduces stress, and improves their overall well-being..

If you are unable to walk your dog as often as you used to, there are other ways to keep them active. You can play fetch in the backyard, take them for a run, or enroll them in a doggy daycare. You can also try using a treadmill for dogs..

It is important to make sure your dog is getting enough exercise, even during the pandemic. Exercise is essential for their health and well-being..

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